Friday, November 23, 2007

Factory Animal Farming

In my environmental studies class we just completed a section on nutrition.  A few of our presenters were big time vegans and animal rights activists.  By no means am I a vegan, but my eyes were opened up to what our system of factory farming has become.  Sue and I had some discussions about this and our overall diet.  For one thing, we now get all our vegetables from a local farm which are delivered on a weekly basis (Starting in December).  We are looking into other sources for meat from reputable, local farmers of whom are against factory farming.  There are countless issues involving the very things we put into our bodies that we as consumers just are not aware of.  There is no reason for an animal to be put in a cage (a cage it can't even turn its head in) its entire life except for reducing costs to allow us to get that $1 Big N' Tasty.  There currently are measures in place to stop this one example.  WARNING This video is not for the weak stomach, but then again, that's why you should watch it.  This video, and a few more like it did move me and I wanted to pass it along.  We all have the ability to make decisions in regards to where our food comes from and what we put in our and our children's bodies.  

I grabbed this one from the PETA website.  -No, not the People for Eating Tasty Animals-


Anonymous said...

I remember when you asked me why i had stopped eating meat, and my answer was, "the way it is produced is gross." I dont want to preach but i bet that while my boca burgers may look silly on the grill, the cost benefit ratio is liveable.

Richard said...

Wow! I don't think I will ever look at a package of meat or chicken the same again. Eye opening video.

LIS said...

Well said, understanding where food comes from is very important. I know your not Vegan/Vegetarian but I admire that you take into account the other side. I've been strict Vegetarian coming up 13 years and Vegan since the start of July! Viva la vegan :)

Monterey John said...

I held off saying anything about this until I had something positive to say.

I didn't get there...

But I do have a question: who is your class represented the farmers and ranchers?