11 hour school days with double the hours in homework, leaves little free time for shooting, so I may as well Blog my projects. This one is nothing special. As a matter of fact, I am a little disappointed in my patterns, but hey, I am no artist to this degree. This is a photogram. It is the first thing they have us do in the darkroom. It involves objects from home and photo paper. We used an enlarger to expose the photo paper with the collective objects on top. The cool part was that we got to develop the paper in the darkroom. Developer, stop bath, fixer, wash, and then dry. Not the best of pictures, but I did achieve near perfect exposure and development. I did do some of this stuff in high school, but I am really looking forward to getting the basics.
As for darkrooms, been there, done that. This old fart is spoiled by digital. I always lived in fear that I'd ruin the film while developing. Almost never did, but the anxiety was always there. I loved enlarging.
Good job Will, you will be getting to the good stuff in no time. Hang in there.
Fun stuff! I rather miss the darkroom, on occasion. Now, I could not see going back in and doing it much. I, like MJ, am spoiled by digital!
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