Tuesday, September 04, 2007

The Student

After many years and an incomplete degree later I am officially a student again. At 28 years old, I am enrolled in 4 total classes, and on the waiting list for one. The lineup includes Photography, Digital Imaging, World History, American History, and Environmental Studies. Guess I need to take some history to finish this one up. I start September 24th and regardless of the outcome with the CHP I should be able to finish this quarter without any interruption. Big thanks to Mom who has offered to cover tuition, books, and supplies. Mom says my grandfather would have wanted for me to do this and is more than happy to help see it done. Thanks Mom and I'll do you proud PoPo!


Monterey John said...

Congrats Will, Eddie aka PoPo would be proud of you! (And so am I)

Love you guy.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations, Will! The class line up sounds very interesting, especially the photography stuff! :-)