Mountain Bike, aka, NEAR DEATH EXPERIENCE. If you ever want to see what it is like to be on the brink of having your heart explode inside your chest, start mountain biking. I've had my bike for a couple of years now, but not till yesterday did I actually meet up with a couple of guys and challenge a Los Gatos hill. One of the guys I was with cruised up the entire thing while I was suffering heat exhaustion, a throbbing head, and hallucinations. Also, Paulino made it up before I did. Holly S*&t! Did I make it to the top? I did, and I must say I am extremely proud of myself. So, overall, it was a rewarding experience and I have a goal to be in the type of shape to be able to make it up one of these mountains.
I do believe I'll lay down and take a nap until the urge passes :)
Great story.
You didn't take a good camera up there did you?
no, the litte 4 MP Canon
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