Monday, November 27, 2006


I took this picture of Ava on Thanksgiving. I like it so I thought I would share it.

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Eureka, Ca-Old Town

Eureka, Ca Alley

Stay in School

You could end up in Iraq, as John Kerry says, or maybe like this guy. A photo of one of the local populace of Eureka, Ca, forever immortalized in all his glory.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

The Beach

These photos were taken on the coast just north of Rockport, Ca where the 1 ends its course along the coast and begins to head east to meet the 101. This was a fairly isolated area. The rock formations were covered in muscles, urchins, starfish, and other bug-like creatures. Having just gotten back into photography over the past few months since high school, I have not had the opportunities or surroundings as statuesque as those that were presented before myself on Saturday evening.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Birds on a Wire

Shot at Greenwood State Beach.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Some Mixed Scenery

A photo from Ledson Winery.

Friday, November 10, 2006

Cooper Walks

One of Cooper's many abilities in his bag of tricks.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Greenwood State Beach

No, I did not create the driftwood art sculpture thingy. Someone was nice enough to build this so my photo of this foggy, bland beach would be more interesting. Artist, unknown.

Vulture-Condor-Bird of Some Kind

I shot this bird today at Greenwood State Beach. The fog was thick, and I was surprised to see that I actually captured this bird in mid-flight with minimal light.

Cleaned up the image a little bit-due to outside comments. 11/12/2006

Wednesday, November 01, 2006


Ava Trick or Treats

Last year Ava was in a stroller. This was Ava's first year where we allowed her to attempt to Trick-or-Treat. She could not say the words, but she was excited to take candy from peoples' stash. A lot of the time she would take the candy and then put it back. After a few houses she started to catch on and just took off. This kid walked up and down the street, hand in hand with Grandma Lee, and not getting tired for about an hour.