Friday, August 31, 2007
A day of going out and taking some photos. I will be traveling with the old man and a guy named Paul Lester. This is the first time I will be meeting Paul. He runs a very interesting photo/writing blog HERE. Check it out. He has some very interesting things to say. Well, gotta finish getting ready to go. Pictures to follow! Have a great weekend.
Monday, August 27, 2007
I'm Back
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Monday, August 20, 2007
Friday, August 17, 2007
The Big Sis

Today Kayla's Dad brought over Caleb who is Kayla's baby brother. As Ava gave Caleb a hug I ran to get my camera. Sure enough I missed it but I was able to get the first shot of Kayla together with both her brother Caleb and her sister Ava. Ava was really cute. She was showing Caleb how to operate her phone toy and he was very interested. In case you did not know, Kayla makes a great big sis. She really loves both of these kids.
Also, before they took off this morning, I had to grab a couple shots of these two. Zach and Jessica are some great kids. It was really nice having them visit the past four days. They also love Ava a lot. Jessica can't get enough of her. A big thanks to them for being really awesome cousins.
Have a great weekend!
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
All this fun is just too much! The fair, Great America, Mountain Biking, etc, etc. Time to get a job.
Well, I made it through the past three days of CHP testing. I passed all my physical tests and made it through all my written psychological stuff. I feel that I fully answered all my questions in my interview with well thought out and well spoken answers, and did not faulter which was not easy task considering the fact that the Sergeant on my panel had the look about himself that says "I kill people." Yikes, dreaded panel interview indeed. Now I wait for that letter which tells me if I pass or fail.
Great America

Last Wednesday, we made it over to Great America. Reminded me of Six Flags. Roller coasters, cartoon characters, games, rides, and lots of fun. Ava made it half way through the day until she pretty much lost it and Sue volunteered to take her home. The rest of the day the Bells, Kayla and I had an awesome time.
Friday, August 10, 2007
Last Tuesday

Last Tuesday the Bells came for a visit. Paulino and I took Zach on one of our trails and I got a couple shots. One of these shots is from a pretty cool effect I have seen a few times. The marine layer seems to block out all the stuff that keeps you from being able to look directly at the sun. While we were up in the Sarataogo Hills facing Santa Cruz on a trail called Gap trail this happened. I don't carry my good camera in my pack so I missed when the sun was completely visible due to start up time and shutter delay, but you get the idea.
CHP Round 2

Today I am off to Sacramento from my new San Jose home. I will be testing, again, for the CHP. Saturday I will be getting my vision tested along with some physical hurdles of which I am not worried about. These tests they put you through are nothing compared to what is in store for you if you make it into the academy. If I complete the day, I will be assigned a date to participate in the "dreaded panel interview." This interview will hopefully take place Monday due to the fact that I am now an "out-of-towner." Also, if I complete Saturday, I will take a battery of psychological tests on Sunday which will be used in my background investigation should I pass my interview. Again, should you be involved in my background investigation, I was never addicted to Heroin or Hookers. Have a great weekend!
Sunday, August 05, 2007
Santa Clara County Fair

These pictures speak for themselves. The kids had a blast! Ava was too short to do any rides but I managed to squeeze into the back of one of those little airplanes to take her for a spin. Kayla was a great big Sis and took her on the teacups. Thanks Tanya for the pictures of myself. Petting Zoos, Cotton Candy, Corn on the Cob, rides, we did it all. Hope everyone had a great weekend.
Friday, August 03, 2007

This past year, I have been asked, all the time, "You really like taking pictures, huh?" I usually answer with yeah, I love it. Well, here is my thought out explanation. Usually those you love want to know why you love them. I know I love Sue because she is the mother of my daughter. She is the only person in the world I can never want to see again and can't live without all in the same day. She binds this non-traditional family together like industrial strength super glue. She would be there for me no matter what. She is warm, loving, and caring (most of the time :) ). She is the creator of the most important moments in my life.

And over time, my thoughts may change on why I love photography. But, one constant is, I will always have these memories.
Having said that there is a major artistic point of view to photography that intrigues me. The multiple ways to compose a photo can all tell a different story with the same subject. This along with lighting, apertures, shutter speeds, ISOs, wides, zooms, macros, and editing software, all create the final product. Landscapes, stills, portraits, macros, etc, are all of interest. They are all moments captured at some point in time. Every shot is a learning experience. I am not a bare photographer and love digital manipulation. I hardly take the time to work on big projects but I find it very rewarding to create "art" from an image or images.

We all have moments in our life. Some happen, pass, and we forget them forever. Some get branded into our memories. Some take a while to create while others happen in a split second. Very few I am able to capture with a camera. Whether it's my moment or someone elses doesn't matter to me. As long as the tool I used helps that moment last longer. And what about all the things going on around us all the time? Things we don't take the time to realize are there. Photography allows me to slow down and enjoy the little things in life. It allows me to create a moment where one may never have existed.

And over time, my thoughts may change on why I love photography. But, one constant is, I will always have these memories.

Is this a possible profession? Yes it is. But even if I never make a single penny doing it I hope to always be doing it to some degree. And that folks, is my current, up-to-date, reason why I do this.
Latest Roll of Film

You could know everything in the world about digital photography, but really learning how to work in film helps to acquire a true understanding. The Canon A-1 doesn't have auto focus, you can't judge your shots on a viewfinder, and you have to create your own depth every time. You have to be able to calculate lots of variables to catch a kid in motion, in focus!
Thanks for the lens Monterey!
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